Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sirge - presenting

When I arrived he presented himself on his hands and knees on Our bed.

Tethered to the bed with his leash, wearing a black leather chest harness, his cock cinched tight, blindfolded, his dog collar was partially hidden by the dirty sweaty t-shirt wrapped around his neck.
I hardened.

Though this is not the way I found him in the morning, I gently rubbed his ass, which appeared upwards and eagerly presented to me, nicely packed in the tight black briefs he had worn that day. Solid through the fabric, his ass was tight.

I instructed him to present himself in the manner in which I woke him that morning. And he followed orders by laying on his back and placing his arms out to his sides. I slowly untied a length of rope and secured his left arm to Our bed. I completed the task of securing him by tying his other arm and his left leg to the far reaches of the bed posts.
he was positioned for me to touch, lick, suck, chew and grope...
a rugged display of servitude.
he willing gave himself to Me.
I whispered in his ear, "I am here. I am home."

I began my inspection as I gently caressed his torso...light touches interspersed with rough licks and firm gropes...bypassing My meat, which was clearly engorged.

I knelt beside him and purposefully gnawed on his nipple and the muscle of his left pec.
He sighed.
I could smell the aroma of his pits and I nestled my face into the stench and licked.
He moaned.
We kissed.
I bit into his thigh, just below the leg band of the briefs.
He flinched and again moaned, with a slight growl.

And through the fabric I could smell the built up raunch encased in the pouch of the briefs. He had been denied to touch his cock for the past day so the residual post-piss drips were caught in the fabric. With spots of dried precum intermixed with the piss and natural ball sweat, he simply reeked of masculinity.

I told him he smelled like piss.
And he was rewarded, as I began chewing at the fabric just above My hole.

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